Christian Göldenboog
I'm a Champagne Man

1993- 2022 Permanent Champagne seminars, including with Alain Fion, when he was representative of the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin Champagne in Germany and Austria Assemblage, why two or even three fermentations? How do the bubbles get in the wine? Sex and Champagne.r. 1998 - 2022 Author and co-author of various books on the subjects of champagne, Riesling, philosophy of biology, evolutionary genetics of sex, biodynamic agriculture, kin selection in infertile insects. 1990 - 2022 Journalistic work for, among others, Der Feinschmecker, Psychology Today, Süddeutsche Zeitung am Wochenend, Deutschlandfunk, Hessischer Rundfunk, Süddeutscher Rundfunk, L'amateur de Bordeaux, Heren, Welt am Sonntag. Radio plays, radio essays, radio feuilleton. 1995 - 2022 Consulting and promotion for companies in the wine industry, champagne houses and winegrowers, wind industry, oil and gas industry, newspaper and publishing industry, technical service companies, medical practices, financial advice, corporate communications. 2018 Publication of The wisdom of the dung heap: Expeditions into biodynamic agriculture (CHBeck publishing house) 2014 - 2018 International Wine and Spirits columnist and consultant, lifestyle magazine Heren, Seoul, South Korea 2012 - 2015 How wine grows - column about wine, science and Oenology in FINE - The Wine Magazine 2013 Publication of Die Champagner-Macher (together with Oliver Rüther) Author of various chapters in Der Riesling - Weingut Robert Weil (Verlag Tre Torri) 2008 to 2011 Wine columnist Welt am Sonntag, Category: Bottle empty 2010 Start with the Work on a champagne encyclopedia 2008 to 2011 Refreshing collaboration with Joachim Bessing, the inventor of the word Starfuckertum: wine and lifestyle reports for Welt am Sonntag, style section, as well as ICON, the style magazine of the world on Sunday, also for Qvuest the series DOM PÉRIGNON meets ..., including Prof. Dr. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard 2008 Why do cows have horns? Began work on a book on biodynamic farming. Initiation of the Message on Table pleasure forum. Regular events at the Hotel Nasauer Hof, Wiesbaden. 2007 Start of work on the International Terroir Project. Event "48, 49, 50 - Champagne meets Rheingau" together with Dr. Rowald Hepp at Schloss Vollrads on June 21, 2007 2004 - 2009 Conceptual development and editorial responsibility for beaufort 6, newsletter for customers of GL Wind (Germanischer Lloyd Windenergie) 2006 Publication of Why Sex? From the Evolution of the Two Sexes, Deutsche Verlagsanstalt (DVA), (Hardcover - April 2006) Publication of Rheingau & Wiesbaden Travel and Wine Guide, together with Bernd Ditter (Hardcover - August 2006) Ameisen - Wenn female beings make state - Article in Fascination Bionics: The Intelligence of Creation by Kurt G. Blüchel and Fredmund Malik (Mcb Verlag - hardcover - March 2006) 2005 "There is said to have been a German who anticipated Fisher's Sex Ratio Theory. Do you know him?" John Maynard Smith asked me one day. Impetus to explore the impact of Darwinian theory of gender relations on our society. 2004 Why Sex? Deepening the famous question, first raised by August Weismann, Hermann Joseph Muller, James Thurber, and John Maynard Smith, with the help of established evolutionary geneticists, population geneticists, developmental geneticists, and molecular biologists, including Kim Nasmith, Luigi-Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Wolf Reik, and John Maynard Smith. 2003 Publication of The Hole in the Whale. The philosophy of biology, Verlag Klett-Cotta (hardcover). Licensed edition of The Hole in the Whale. The philosophy of biology at the scientific publishing company, Darmstadt 2003 - 2006 In the footsteps of Thomas Jefferson: wine landscape as a cultural landscape. Lots of Riesling and extensive research in the Rheingau for a culture and travel guide. 1998 - 2002 editor and author of the gastronomic guide, heavenly food without stars, Wiesbaden. 1999 Happy Science Now. Recognizing that champagne, sex and science are just different forms of social interaction. 1998 Publication of Champagner, Verlag Klett-Cotta (Hardcover) Champagne gift set, Verlag Klett-Cotta, (special cover - June 1998), contains the book Champagne and a bottle of Champagne. 1997 "Don't drink so much milk anymore," says Professor Serge Renaud, director of the INSERM (Institut National de la Santé Et de la Recherche Médicale) in Bordeaux on Göldenboog. Analysis of the connection between champagne, saturated fat, resveratrol and health. 1995 - 1999 Initiator of the Champagne Academy Bad Homburg, held in the Hotel Steigenberger 1991 - 1997 Editor of the film section of the Frankfurter Neue Presse 1993 - 1997 Responsible editor of the North American edition of Germany, foreign magazine of the Federal Press and Information Office of the Federal Republic of Germany 1991 "Oh, stop it. The physicists, they have no idea about biology," answers the evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr when asked what effects the so-called world formula would have on our everyday life. Began work on a book on the philosophical presumption of physicists, except for Albert Einstein, and the importance of a philosophy of biology. 1990 First attempt to count the carbon dioxide bubbles in a glass or in a bottle of champagne since 1985 radio plays, radio features. essays; Author, among others for Der Feinschmecker, Psychology Today, Süddeutsche Zeitung at the weekend, Deutschlandfunk, Hessischer Rundfunk, Süddeutscher Rundfunk, L'AMATEUR DE BORDEAUX, Welt am Sonntag. 1980 - 1984 managing director and editor of "Filmfaust - magazine for international film in Frankfurt"
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