Das Loch im Walfisch - The Philosophy of Biology
"This book will fill a gap in German literature!" said Ernst Mayr about this book. And Göldenboog's style is praised by Mayr with the words: "The book is written very quickly, easy to read." On the pre- and post-history of the book Upcoming: Ernst Mayr revisited Some reviews revisited Various reviews: Invitation to outlaws - Inexplicably non-binding and dirty is biology - Christian Göldenboog still likes it: Hansjörg Küster, Süddeutsche Zeitung One advantage for him is that the author of the book had to familiarize himself with this complex matter and can thus easily understand the situation of the reader. However, where Mr. Göldenboog falters, a zealously thinking reader remains at a loss: Wolfgang Wickler, Spectrum of Sciences Philosophy of Science light. Even the starting point of Göldenboog's remarks is questionable. Whether physics ever had the status of a so-called leading science in the late 19th and 20th centuries is more than questionable. Only within a small circle of analytical philosophers did physics enjoy almost unassailable respect: Dr. Thomas P. Weber, Spektrumdirekt - The science newspaper on the Internet Or would you rather collect stamps - Christian Göldenboog explains why understanding life has nothing to do with physics: Manuela Lenzen, Frankfurter AllgemeineZeitung The book does not just want to contribute to the "new philosophy of biology", but also contribute to clarifying what evolutionary biology actually is. These clarification processes require an intensive study of our ideas about coincidence, time, cause, purpose, effect, diversity and life. The book will therefore find the desired attention from physicists, biologists, computer scientists and philosophers: Gottfried Kleinschmidt, Forum Grenzfragen The great thing about this book is precisely this comparison of opinions and the concise description of the respective attitudes; these are presented in a comprehensible and understandable way and encourage the reader to take a closer look at the excellent and annotated list of references (which is unfortunately a little outdated due to the date of publication): scheichstüte on litteratur.ch From the autonomy of biology: Matthias Glaubrecht, Psychology Today ; July 2004 More sporty reviews, including Main Post, die Welt, t
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